Hey, I'm henning mueller, a practical computer scientist specialized on web development and Linux systems administration with a strong focus on IT security and agile workflows. I currently live in Bremen.
I'm happy to receive letters at mail at (the honorable and utterly beautiful) nning.io. My matrix ID is @nning:orgizm.net. Kudos for encrypted communication; my OpenPGP key ID is 0xae5fc712.
transmission-rss aggregates flexibly configurable feed sources and adds enclosed torrent files or magnet links to the Transmission BitTorrent client.
Self-hosted, collaborative image galleries sharable via secret URLs with manual and automatic tagging of image contents, filtering, rating, client-side encryption and GitHub login.
David is a CoAP server with Rack interface to bring the illustrious family of Rack compatible web frameworks into the Internet of Things. It is based on the Ruby coap gem, which is a pure Ruby implementation of CoAP.
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